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Having Power On Tap Is A Game Changer

Portable power is one of the most-important accessories for all off-road enthusiasts. Our crew uses them on every single trip, even though we usually have lots of solar power, a backup generator and are sometimes even connected to shore power. These come in a variety of sizes – everything from small pocket-size units to charge your cell phones, to medium ones to run a power a laptop and Starlink, to larger ones that can power hair dryers, refrigerators, and small air conditioning units.

Campers sitting at a picnic table
The convenience of portable power makes camp life so much easier and enjoyable

We have been testing several different models from a company called R3Di.

I always carry a small 10,000 mili amp hour power bank. Wyatt Faught typically uses an

RS1200 portable power station inside his Go FSR roof top tent to power his lights, his laptop

and charge his phone. The company also offers a massive RS3600, but we haven’t had to go to that extreme level just yet.

Portable power is a really viable option to installing full-on permanent power inside a vehicle.

Although we have purpose-built overland vehicles with over $10,000 in batteries, solar,

installation, etc., it typically changes the vehicle from a daily driver to a more purpose-built

overland machine. Everything is a compromise, and it just depends on your needs.

The best thing about portable power is that you can take it anywhere you desire and you are not

tied down to a vehicle. They can also be transferred from one vehicle to another, which makes them extremely practical.

Companies also make portable solar power chargers, which are easy to setup, and do a

relatively good job at recharging the batteries as long as there is sufficient sunlight. Small

portable power units typically start around $100 and the largest currently available sell for as

much as $4000. It’s not exactly cheap, but they are incredible!

Without a doubt, I would strongly recommend checking these out and using them on your next


For more information see

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